Best Sellers

Our best scents in the below vessels are selling fast! Hurry and grab Mai Tai, Lost in Her Cherry, & Island Chill before they run out. You don’t want to miss out. Enjoy 20% off when you use code CalsBest24 at checkout! Enjoy a complimentary wax melt with purchase.

Cali Candle Co.

Specializing in handcrafted candles. All of our products are handmade and hand poured. Each candle is made with a wooden wick. Wooden wicks are more sustainable and produces a cleaner burn than cotton wicks. We use only virgin coconut soy wax that is vegan, paraben free, phthalate free and toxin free. All of our products come from renewable sources.

Our Services


Offering a variety of different candles to choose from hemp infused to pet candles.


Signup for our candle making class. Each class has the opportunity to make two candles with our luxurious vessels. It also comes with complementary champagne and hors-d’oeuvres.


It’s such an honor to be able to give back and to help others. We also host corporate events for companies and we offer kid friendly events as well. Signup for our mailing list to see which event we will be at next.


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